Do you own an Android device? If yes, then you might have end up in a battery drain scenario in which the Android device (phone particularly) drains lot of juice unnecessarily and you end up sitting there and don’t know what to do or don’t know the specific solution for that particular fault. These tips might help you and you could again rejoice with the battery life of your phone.
Android OS taking lot of battery –
Most of you might have encountered this problem that the Android OS is draining battery like anything. It means that the Android OS is on top of the battery usage. To check if you have this issue Go to Settings> Battery. There if you find Android OS/System taking lot battery then here’s the solution.

Let the phone drain out as low as 10-15% then switch it off and plug it in the charger till it charges till 100%. Now the phone battery drain might be normal as usual. This happens because when the phone the phone touches 90% mark the battery stats get reset and calibrated. This can be done without switching off the phone as well and switching off is just required for a fresh usage and RAM is also wiped off completely.
Install Greenify –
Greenify is a app which hibernates apps according to you. It means that the apps that you don’t use often won’t restart on its own. Apps running in background can result in high battery usage thus, giving less overall usage at the end of the day. This app will not let the apps to restart on its own.
You can download Greenify here
Some phones have like these apps pre-installed itself and the same function of Greenify can be achieved from that app as well.
Change Mobile network from 4G to 3G or vice-versa
Battery of a phone also depends on the signal strength. More better then signal, better the battery life. Less signal, less battery life. This happens because while searching for networks the phone consumes battery. Rather it requires more battery when the signal is low as it continuously detects nearest mobile tower to give best signal as possible. Sometimes changing from 3G to 4G can also help in reserving battery. In some areas 3G networks are less and 4G more or vice-versa. Changing from 3G to 4G or 4G to 3G, the phone will adjust and connect to the nearest tower possible. Signal strength is measured in dBm (decibel-milliwatts) in mobile devices. The optimum signal strength is -60dBm which is considered as perfect and best signal whereas anything after -112dBm is considered bad. The signal strength can be known from Settings>About Phone>Status>Sim Status>Signal strength. So, accordingly by checking the signal strength you can change networks.

In a situation where you need to use the Internet this solution is not great as sometimes 3G is better and sometimes 4G is better in some areas. So, this can be done only for the sole purpose of calling or when you are not using the phone as even if the phone is not in use, the phone continously detects for best signal thus draining battery.
Reboot to Safe Mode –
Whether its battery issue or any other issue, Safe mode is one stop judgement for all the issues in a device. Safe mode is a mode in Android devices in which every installed app is disabled till you are in the safe mode. This can be used to judge whether a third party app is causing an issue or the problem is in the system itself. When installed apps are disabled then obviously that app wouldn’t cause an issue in safe mode thus, can identify the issue. Suppose a game keeps running in the background without you knowing and that will drain battery. In safe mode, that game is disabled and you’ll notice an increase in battery. To go into safe mode press and hold the power off menu then it’ll prompt you to reboot to safe mode. To revert back to safe mode simply reboot the device.

Note:- This method is applicable to every Android phone despite of the Manufacturer.
Charge Device till Full –
This can be considered a solution to calibrate the battery. Either system programme consuming battery or any app charging full may solve the problem.
Disclaimer:- These tips may or may not solve the problem and are only based on my experiences.
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