Use YouTube Music legally without paying for it

Use YouTube Music legally without paying for it

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YouTube Music is Google’s music streaming service offered to literally anyone who has Google/Gmail ID. It provides millions of songs and music videos from a vast variety of genres. The best part of music streaming services is that it offers recommendations based on your interest. The more you use it, the better and close to your interest it recommends next time. YouTube Music is free for all to use but only on PC. The mobile app has some restrictions and the major one being cannot background play the music. Which means as soon as you leave the app the music would stop unlike Spotify which earns revenue from non-subscribed users through ads. YouTube Music mobile app doesn’t have any ads.

YouTube Music icon
YouTube Music – Google’s answer to Spotify

This is where the YouTube Music Premium comes into play. It’s a Rs. 129 monthly subscription service which offers background play of music, download the songs you like and even smart downloads in which songs are automatically downloaded according to your recommendations and likings. Personally I have used the ‘smart downloads’ feature and it works like a charm. On the PC version of YouTube Music which can be accessed by going to, you can listen without any background play restrictions as Windows allows media to be played within the browser itself and even if using other apps and therefore no app is required in PC. Do note that there would be plethora of ads welcoming you if you do not have YouTube Music subscription. This is all about the service which YouTube Music offers. Now what about using it free on phone? Read on.

There are unofficial methods like using YouTube Vanced which may have a risk of banning or blocking your Google ID (Though haven’t seen a person or anyone mentioning of his/her Google ID banned) which is not recommended if you use it with your personal ID. The official method to use YouTube Premium on phone is by using a browser which supports background playing media which generally most browsers do these days.

Use YouTube Music in Phone’s Browser

  1. Login with your Google/Gmail ID on a browser (Chrome is preferred)
  2. Go to
  3. Load the desktop site of the YouTube Music tab
  4. Listen to songs and enjoy even with background music. To try that go back to home and resume the music from the notification panel. This is because for some reason when you go to home the music would pause but atleast background play is now available

So basically this is just how you would use YouTube Music on a PC as mentioned above but on a phone but with desktop site mode enabled. There are definitely some flaws as afterall it’s not an app and to use a desktop site on a phone is definitely always a hassle. It is definitely not user friendly.

Despite the flaws like unoptimised UI, ads. The main purpose is being fulfilled that is background music play which was not possible with the app if you DO NOT have the YT Music subscription.

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